Thursday, April 9, 2009

Create a Super Happy Octopus Character Tutorial

{click on thumbnail to enlarge}

It look me a while to find something I wanted to do. I started off with a pretty hard one and couldn’t do it because I did not understand some of the terms they were using so I figured I should start off with an easy one since I am a beginner. The octopus one started off easy, than when I got about one third the way down they started jumping around in their explaining which confused me, I wasn’t sure what they were talking about so I used tools I knew how to use that would get me to the same spot in the instructions. I was pretty happy with my result except the background. I found a lot of tutorials don’t explain step by step, they assume people know so that did not help me. But it was a fun process.
Link to tutorials

1 comment:

  1. good!

    yeah, it is hard to start with some of the tutorials because they already assume knowledge...that is why it is good to use both the live docs. with some of the beginning tutorials so you can look up terms you don't know...even a failed tutorial is good because you are exploring and learning!
