Friday, May 1, 2009

Week 1 Tutorials

1. Create a Super Happy Octopus Character

It look me a while to find something I wanted to do. I started off with a pretty hard one and couldn’t do it because I did not understand some of the terms they were using so I figured I should start off with an easy one since I am a beginner. The octopus one started off easy, than when I got about one third the way down they started jumping around in their explaining which confused me, I wasn’t sure what they were talking about so I used tools I knew how to use that would get me to the same spot in the instructions. I was pretty happy with my result except the background. I found a lot of tutorials don’t explain step by step, they assume people know so that did not help me. But it was a fun process.

2. Simple and Easy Reflections

This video taught me how to make a reflection of my text or image. In this example they used text. It was a really short video but i think i got what i needed to know. Just more knowledge to store in the graphic design part of my brain.

3. Illustrator Pen Tool Guide

The pen tool is an awesome tool but it can be the most frustrating sometimes. I used it while creating a design for my 118 class and it was difficult. I guess I should of read this guide before I did the other design! This guide was pretty easy to follow and understand.

4. Illustrator Type Tool Introduction

Wow this was exactly what I wanted to do the other day but did not know how. I didn’t know there were so many ways you can type and place text. This will come in handy for future projects for sure!

5. Repeating a Pattern By Julia Rothman

this tutorial was awesome! I am totally going to try this out. I'll probably use it for my postcard project because i choose Julia for my designer. Even though this tutorial was simple but if you did not know how to make a repeat pattern, this tutorial was very helpful! You guys should try it out!

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