Thursday, May 14, 2009

Week 3 Tutorials

1. Metallic Styles in Photoshop

this tutorial taught me how to making the shape(image) metallic. It makes the image 3D sort of. I think adding affects to a simple shape gives it more of an oomph. Something i noticed about tutorials are that it is hard to remember these steps a few weeks from now. I mean i might remember some but it sucks to have such short term memory.. =[

2. How I do Stuff

Wow this awesome! This is something i would really enjoy doing... if only i knew how. The artist did go really really fast. I wished they would of talked during the video instead of writing over the screen. It was distracting a little. The way they used the pen tool was awesome. This is pretty similar to what our guest speaker came in and did with the dinosaur. I enjoyed that as well.

3. Swirls and Swooshes

Ive seen this type of stuff on many designs before and it looked more complicated. This is so much simple. you just need to mess around with it and add extra shapes. i like the swirls so much that i want to add it to everything i do. but than i might be overdoing it..

4.Advanced Glow Effects

I really like the textture behind the glow. You cant see the texture unless you get really close up though. I tried to do this tutorial but there were a few steps missing. Probably my fault my to pick something that was so advanced. It didnt look advance at a glance. Really cool affect!

5. How to Create Classic Vector Painting with Watercolor washes and Line art

This effect looks awesome! I do not like watercolor but to do it digitally... that might be something totally different. I do like the effect it leaves the picture. Its easier to clean up your mistakes and redo something as many times as you want. vs watercolor when once you stick the brush down, its permanent. That was always my frustration with painting.

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